It's a difficult one to call. On one side your club can create an iron curtain from important information breaking, on the flipside it can help stop complete and utter crap journalism. What i don't think The Daily Echo realise is that the mainstream media latch onto what they write quicker than you can say 'Oliver Holt'. Studying the feed, as soon as The Daily Echo break a story regarding Southampton FC, the mainstream media latch onto it and have it re-written within 30 minutes.
This calls for responsibility and sensitivity in regards to what The Daily Echo write. I understand that on the flipside they have to sell their paper, but let's not start compensating that with lousy journalism or 'no story' pieces. It is little wonder why The News were banned from Fratton Park, living in the lions den I know, they simply speculate on a lot of news, rather than state fact.
The quote that got me to writing this was Adam Leitch's article posted today called 'Southampton FC still sweating on takeover deal' on which he states right at the very end of the article;
"Despite worries to the contrary, Mark Fry is not believed to be ready to start winding up the club tomorrow if a deal is not completed. " Adam Leitch, The Daily Echo, July 2nd 2009
The worries were spread by The Daily Echo themselves! You only need to scour through their archives to see this. Many Southampton fans retorted to this article in the comments section letting the paper know they were contradicting themselves in the highest form.
This leads me back again to responsible journalism. The reason why the city is in such a state of frenzy regarding our football club, is partly in blame due to the style of reporting at The Daily Echo itself. Re-hashing, making a story out of nothing and simply speculating just add's more frustration to the supporters and they need to realise this. The paper has written some great pieces over the last month, it's just a shame they fill their slow news days with the negative side of journalism. I think I can speak for every Saints fan in saying, give us the news that matters, the news that is concrete and don't hold back asking questions that really do matter.
What do you think? After the takeover fiasco should the club look at banning The Daily Echo? Or do you think they should be given the freedom to write what they like?
Saints Mad verdict: If The Daily Echo continues to sell its paper founded upon these negative principles, then simply boycott buying the paper. Simple.